AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of an Ultrasound Examination of the Abdomen and/or Retroperitoneum and Diagnostic and Screening Ultrasound Examinations of the Abdominal Aorta

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Parameter Prakték AIUM pikeun Kinerja Ujian Ultrasound tina Beuteung sareng / atanapi Retroperitoneum sareng Ujian Ultrasound Diagnostik sareng Screening tina Aorta Beuteung

Format: Payil Pidéo

Anjeun bakal kéngingkeun Tangtu Unduhan Cara hirup VIA KURSUS (CEPAT CEPAT) SÉSA PEMBAYARAN

This video is designed to meet the needs of physicians and other health care providers who use abdominal ultrasound. It illustrates the elements included in the AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of an Ultrasound Examination of the Abdomen and/or Retroperitoneum as well as the AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Diagnostic and Screening Ultrasound Examinations of the Abdominal Aorta in Adults.

Saatos nonton pidéo ieu sareng ngarengsekeun kagiatan ieu, pamilon kedah tiasa ngajelaskeun penampilan sonografi normal tina ati, hampru, pankreas, limpa, bowel sareng retroperitoneum, ginjal, kandung kemih, aorta sareng vena cava inferior; nunjukkeun ultrasound lengkep beuteung; posisi sabar leres nalika ngalakukeun ultrasound beuteung.

Carol Benson, MD

AIUM nunjuk bahan langgeng ieu maksimal 0.5 AMA PRA Kategori 1 Tulisan™ Dokter kedah kéngingkeun kiridit anu saimbang sareng partisipasi aranjeunna dina kagiatan.

Kiridit ditampi ku ARDMS sareng salaku Kredit Kategori ARRT.

Kiridit CME pikeun program pidéo ieu sayogi ngalangkungan March 1, 2020.

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