ASE 2019 Cardiovascular Sonographer Registry Review, 2nd Edition

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ASE 2019 Review Pendaptaran Sonographer Kardiovaskular, édisi ka-2

Jejer Jeung Panyatur:

- Format: 24 Pidéo Pidéo (format .mp4).

Designed by top sonographers, the Cardiovascular Sonographer Registry Review Guide, 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive guide for both the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) and the Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) adult cardiovascular ultrasound registry examinations. This two-piece, bundled set will provide a thorough review of adult echocardiography and physics to help you pass these examinations. The workbook correlates with each lecture providing a question and answer section for review. The final chapter also includes one 100-question mock exam designed to test your overall knowledge and skill set in preparing you to take the registry exam with success. All of the presentations are given by registered cardiovascular sonographers who are the best in their field and are expert educators.

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