LMS Comprehensive Review Course in Hand & Upper Extremity 2020

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Kursus Tinjauan Komprehensif LMS dina Hand & Extremity Luhur 2020

Anjeun bakal kéngingkeun Tangtu Unduhan Cara hirup VIA KURSUS (CEPAT CEPAT) SÉSA PEMBAYARAN

The ASSH Comprehensive Review Course is designed as a 12.5-hour advanced review course and update for practicing hand surgeons as well as Residents and Fellows in training. The course will review the relevant concepts of anatomy, biomechanics and pathology as well as diagnostic and treatment methods relating to wrist and hand surgery. Strategies will be reviewed to improve test taking skills with time allotted for discussion. The faculty are recognized experts in hand surgery and have been selected for their knowledge, expertise and contributions relating to the subject matter they present.


Dina akhir program ieu, anu hadir bakal:

- Meunteun konsép anu aya hubunganana sareng anatomi, biomekanik sareng patologi anu aya hubunganana sareng operasi pigeulang sareng panangan.

- Nganggo téknik diagnostik anu ditampi umum anu diperyogikeun pikeun meunteun sababaraha prosés panyakit.

- Nangtukeun alternatif pangobatan anu pas pikeun diala, traumatis, radang, bawaan, métabolik sareng gangguan neoplastik tina pigeulang sareng panangan.

- Ningkatkeun katerampilan nyandak tés pikeun pamariksaan panangan tangan sareng pigeulang.

Jejer Jeung Panyatur:

Sesi 1 - Trauma Tangan-Pigeulangan
Sesi 2 - Tisu Lemes Pigeulangan Hand-Wrist sareng Carpal Trauma
Sesi 3 - Artritis
Sesi 4 - Mikrovaskular
Sesi 5 - Pilih Kaayaan jaringan lemes
Sesi 6 - Saraf
Sesi 7 - Tumor
Sesi 8 - Jejer Niche
Sesi 9 - Pediatrics

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