Nahai Facial Rejuvenation Video Library

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Nahai raray Rejuvenation Perpustakaan Video

5 jam video operasi

Anjeun bakal kéngingkeun Tangtu Unduhan Cara hirup VIA KURSUS (CEPAT CEPAT) SÉSA PEMBAYARAN

ku Foad Nahai, MD

Learn from the master, Dr. Foad Nahai, as he demonstrates a variety of techniques for rejuvenating the face. In addition to step-by-step technique, viewers will benefit from Dr. Nahai’s anatomic expertise, including abundant identification of landmarks, and tips for approaching areas and avoiding complications.
  • Blepharoplasty luhur
  • Blepharoplasty Upper Kalayan Angkat Midface sareng Cangkok Lemak
  • Blepharoplasty luhur jeung handap sekundér jeung beungeut primér sarta beuheung Lif
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